Jazon Frings

The artist works under the identity of JaZon Ex. of which he is the founder and the president. JaZoN Ex. is a scoring system created from the artist’s life. "JaZoN Ex. the most human stock market on planet earth...!!" uses the mechanisms of the stock exchange market in order to re-interpret the idea of value, and particularly to transpose the stock market to a human scale. His work deprives the economical world of the question of the interpretation of value, something that until then was exclusively reserved for this world.

In order to realize his project, JaZoN Frings created completely new financial instruments: an exchange currency, stocks, bonds. These express the diversity of his life in all its complexity.

The concept of the stock market is called into question, opening greater perspectives than its current status of a playground for a select few. By putting into place his proper value systems, he directly confronts the rational ideas of contemporary economics.

When quantifiable economies are discarded, when life’s absurdities become the crucial point for determining value, more doesn’t always have to be better than less. JaZon Ex.’ objective is to generate value in contradiction with the notions of rational economies.

This work needs a constant implication from the artist, which kind of reminds us of On Kawara’s work, who recorded all the founding events of a universal day: the hour of the awakening, the travels (or non-travels), the meetings, the readings. On his part, JaZoN Frings is interested in the consequences of these events that On Kawara factually recorded. To get up in the morning, to travel and to meet other people, it all entails a series of chain reactions: love, anger, fatigue, stress, laughter...

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